Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu

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Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu Tour Details

Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu Tour Details. Embark on a remarkable adventure through the Sichuan-Tibet Northern route, which offers one of the most captivating overland drives in Tibet. This scenic route takes you through the heartland of Tibetan Khampa culture, including Ganzi and Kham Dege, where you can immerse yourself in their rich traditions. Explore the remote beauty of Riwoche Tsuglhakang, witness the vast expanse of nomadic grasslands in Tengchen and Sok, and be awestruck by the breathtaking splendor of holy Namtso lake and mystical Lhasa.

Traversing the alpine terrain of eastern Tibet, you will encounter numerous high passes and picturesque valleys. Unlike the southern road, the northern route offers a unique opportunity to experience the vibrant cultures of the Khampa people, as well as marvel at their beautiful traditional costumes.

The Sichuan to Tibet route is characterized by its meandering path across narrow and steep slopes, as well as sharp ridges that provide awe-inspiring panoramic views. Along the way, you will be treated to the sight of nomadic communities scattered across the vast plateau grassland, as well as the enchanting landscapes of mighty rivers and snow-capped peaks nestled within fertile valleys. After a memorable night at Namtso Tashi Do promontory, you will follow the Qinghai-Tibet train track to reach the mystical city of Lhasa.

It is important to note that the northern and far eastern regions of this route experience cold climates due to their high altitude. Therefore, this adventurous journey is accessible from April to mid-June and then from September to November, as some high passes may be temporarily closed due to snowfall.

Tour Itinerary of Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu


Upon your arrival at Chengdu International Airport, our local guide and driver will warmly greet you. A short 30-minute drive will take you to your hotel in downtown Chengdu. Take some time to rest and alleviate any jet lag. Overnight stay in Chengdu.


Attraction: Giant Panda Breeding Centre, featuring adorable Giant Pandas and Red Pandas.

In the morning, our guide and driver will meet you at the hotel lobby at around 8 am to start an enchanting day. Your first stop is the Panda Breeding Centre, where you can observe the playful Giant Pandas and Red Pandas. The morning hours are especially lively, as you witness these lovable creatures rolling, climbing, and feasting on bamboo. Established in 1987 with six rescued Pandas, the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Centre now houses approximately 83 Pandas. Prepare to be amazed by the sight of newly born Panda cubs in the nursery. After lunch, you will have time to pack and prepare for your upcoming overland journey through the Tibetan plateau. In the afternoon, you will meet your Tibetan guide and driver to confirm the departure time of your trip. Overnight stay in Chengdu.

DAY 03: CHENGDU - YA'AN - LUDING - KANGDING (380km, 7 to 8 hours' drive)

Attractions: Chengdu countryside view, Kangding Tibetan town nestled in a narrow valley.

Today, we will drive to Kangding via Ya’an and Luding. The well-paved highway ends at Ya’an, and from there, the road becomes twisted and narrow within the gorge, sometimes taking longer than expected. As we continue our drive, we pass through the Mt. Erlang (3437m) tunnel and follow the river upstream to Kangding. Serving as the capital of Ganzi Tibetan Prefecture, Kangding has seen an increasing number of Chinese merchants settling in the town. The river flowing through the middle of the town plays an important role during sunny summer days. After dinner, you can take a short walk around the streets. Overnight stay in Kangding.

DAY 04: KANGDING (2395m) - TAGONG - BAMEI (2958m) (230km, 7 hours' drive)

Attractions: Mt. Zheduo (4270m), expansive nomadic pastures of Tagong, Tagong Phalhakang Monastery, blooming wild flowers, majestic snow-capped peaks, and local Tibetan houses.

Today, we will drive across the Zheduo Pass (4270m), marked by a heap of prayer flags and a stupa. Tibetan pilgrims consider passes to be the cleanest spots and often adorn them with prayer flags. As we drive further into the valley, we pass by the recently opened Kangding airport. Before reaching Xinduqiao, you will be captivated by the colorful triangular prayer flags and intricately carved mantras adorning the hillside along the road. Xinduqiao is renowned among Chinese tourists as a photographer’s paradise, especially during spring when the yellowish leaves of the roadside trees create a picturesque landscape. The division between the southern and northern highways also occurs at Xinduqiao. We will take the spur road northward, and Tagong will come into sight with its enormous mantra carving on a small hill, accompanied by lines of prayer flags. Tagong is famous for its pastures, where Tibetan herders can be found, as well as the Pha Lhakang Monastery. Lhakang Monastery predates the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa, and its replica Sakya Muni Buddha statue was carved during Princess Wencheng’s journey to Tibet in the 7th century, alongside the original Buddha image. After lunch, we will continue driving to Bamei (Garthar). Overnight stay in a guesthouse.

DAY 05: BAMEI - TAWU - DRANGO (Luhuo) - GANZI (3394m) (165km, 5 hours' drive)

Attractions: Nomads and herds of yaks across vast pastures, Ganzi Gompa.

Bamei is a picturesque village situated in a basin valley. In the morning, you can capture stunning shots of the sunrise casting its glow over the town. The road is lined with stupas, and the monastery bustles with locals performing circumambulation in the early morning. After breakfast, we will drive straight to Ganzi via Tawu and Drango. The road conditions today are comparatively challenging, and the journey may take longer than expected. Along the way, you will pass through nomadic areas and witness yaks grazing in the valleys. In the afternoon, we will arrive in Ganzi, where you will have the opportunity to visit Ganzi Monastery. This largest monastery in the region accommodates over 500 monks and is perched on a small hill visible from downtown. In the afternoon, you may even witness the monks engaging in debates in the courtyard. Overnight stay in Ganzi.

DAY 06: GANZI (3394m) - MANIGANGO - TROLA - DEGE (4327m) (210km, 6 hours' drive)

Attractions: Manigango nomads, Yilhun Lhatso Lake, Trola Pass (5050m), Dege Parkhang.

Embarking on a journey to the heartland of Khampa culture, we drive to Dege today, traversing the plateau grasslands. As we drive, nomadic family tents dot the region, offering glimpses of their traditional lifestyle. After approximately 15km from Manigango and before crossing the Trola Pass, we make a fascinating stop at Yilhun Lhatso Lake. This enchanting lake is adorned with thousands of giant rocks intricately carved with the mantra “Om Ma Ni Pad Mi Hum.” Each year, nearby villagers gather here voluntarily to carve mantras on the rocks over several days. We’ll take a short hike up to the lakeshore and then proceed to Dege by crossing the majestic Trola Pass (5050m). Upon reaching Dege, we will visit the renowned Dege Parkhang (Printing House). Since the 18th century, Dege Parkhang has been famous for printing scriptures. Despite being damaged during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, the murals and woodblocks have been restored. On the second floor, you will have the opportunity to see some of the preserved old woodblocks and witness a functioning printer. Overnight stay in Dege.

DAY 07: DEGE (4327m) - CHAMDO (3240m) (337km, 7 hours)

Attractions: Drichu (Yangzi) River, nomads, and herds of yaks.

Today, we will traverse several passes on our way to Chamdo. We cross the Yangzi River bridge, which marks the border of the Tibet Autonomous Region. At the bridge’s end, a checkpoint will verify your documents and permits for entry into TAR. Chamdo is located in a wide valley between two rivers and is one of the largest cities in TAR. You can take the opportunity to shop for provisions for the remaining days of your journey to Lhasa. Overnight stay in Chamdo.

DAY 08: CHAMDO (4327m) - RIWOCHE (3800m) - RIWOCHE TSUGLHAKANG (110km, 6 hours' drive)

Attractions: Mekong River, 1500-year-old juniper forest, and Riwoche Tsuglhakang Monastery.

We will follow the road along the Dza-chu (Mekong River) for some distance before veering south towards Riwoche. As we ascend, you will witness a breathtaking fusion of alpine coniferous and deciduous forests. Slowly ascending the Trugu la pass or Zholpel la (4688m), we continue following the Dzichu upstream until we reach Riwoche (Ratsaka) town. From there, it’s only 29km on a newly built road to Riwoche Monastery. Founded in 1276 by Sangye On, the monastery is painted with distinctive black, white, and red vertical stripes, characteristic of the Taklung lineage. In the afternoon, we will drive back to Riwoche town for an overnight stay.

DAY 09: RIWOCHE (3800m) - TENGCHEN (3820m) (148km, 5-6 hours' drive)

Attractions: Numerous Bon monasteries.

Today, we pass by several Nyingmapa and Bon monasteries along the route, crossing several mountains such as Seya la (4680m) and the white marble mountain before the pass. This region is renowned for the diversity of natural herbs used in Tibetan medicine. As we travel through barley fields and red rock gorges, we will reach our destination for the day, Tengchen. This area is considered the heartland of Bon religion, and the local economy revolves mainly around the trade of caterpillar fungus. Overnight stay in Tengchen.

DAY 10: TENGCHEN (3820m) - BACHEN - SOK (4000m) (270km, 8 hours)

Attractions: Glimpses of Nyenchen Thangla Range, vast nomadic camps, and herds of yaks.

Today, we will cross several passes to reach the high plateau of northeastern Tibet. Prepare to be captivated by the magnificent views of vast pastures dotted with nomadic communities and mighty snow-capped mountains, known as Jangthang Drogpas (northern nomad lands). The highlight of the journey is crossing the Shel la pass (4905m), the highest and most picturesque pass along the northern route. Through alpine valleys, we will eventually reach Bachen county, bypassing the main road, and then travel the remaining 33km to Sok. Overnight stay in Sok.

DAY 11: SOK (4000m) - NAKCHU (4500m) (237km, 7 hours' drive)

Attractions: Scattered nomad villages and tents along the route.

Today, we embark on a scenic drive through several nomadic counties and villages. The vast pastures unfold before us, sparsely populated yet peacefully inhabited by nomads who move with the changing seasons. Crossing a couple of gentle passes, we are rewarded with a panoramic view of Nakchu city from the ridge of the Tuoka la pass (4640m). Nakchu is the largest and most developed city in the northern Tibet plateau. Its strategic location on the Qinghai-Tibet highway and train road makes it the center of trade for the entire nomadic region of northern Tibet. Nakchu is also renowned for its annual horse racing festival in August, which is a popular traditional event among the nomadic community. Overnight stay in Nakchu.

DAY 12: NAKCHU (4500m) - DAMSHUNG - NAMTSO (4730m) (230km, 6 hours' drive)

Attractions: Nomadic villages, Qinghai-Tibet train track, Holy Namtso Lake.

Today, we follow a well-paved road adjacent to the Qinghai-Tibet railway until we reach Damshung county. Along the way, the picturesque scenery of nomadic villages and yaks grazing on the grasslands mesmerizes us. From Damshung, we turn westward, crossing the Lagen la pass (5190m). It is from this pass that you will catch your first breathtaking view of the stunning Namtso Lake. As we continue our drive on the paved road, we pass through grassy fields and encounter several nomadic family tents. The Tashi Do peninsula offers a magnificent view of the turquoise shades of the lake, surrounded by snow-capped ranges. Namtso Lake is the second-largest saltwater lake in China (the largest being Kokonor in Qinghai) and the highest saltwater natural lake in the world. In the late afternoon, you can follow the pilgrimage trail around the peninsula. Overnight stay at a local guesthouse on the peninsula.

DAY 13: NAMTSO - NOMAD FAMILY VISIT - LHASA (250km, 4 hours)

Attractions: Nomad family visits.

In the morning, we further explore the surroundings of Namtso Lake before driving back to Lhasa. Along the way, we make a stop at a local nomadic family’s tent, where you can experience their unique home structure and lifestyle. In the afternoon, you have free time to explore the Bakhor street on your own. This bustling street is not only a popular circuit for local pilgrims but also a vibrant central market in Lhasa, offering opportunities for souvenir shopping. Overnight stay in Lhasa


Attractions: Potala Palace and Drepung Monastery.

Today, we visit the iconic Potala Palace, a cardinal landmark of Tibet and a masterpiece of Tibetan architecture. Originally built in the 7th century and later reconstructed in the 17th century, this palace served as the residence of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government. While ascending the long flight of steps may be challenging, the spiritual experience and the opportunity to leave your footprints in this world heritage site make it worthwhile. In the afternoon, we explore the Drepung Monastery, once the world’s largest monastery housing over 10,000 monks. Although it has suffered from destruction at different times, there is still much to see as we navigate through the narrow and winding lanes that lead to the monks’ quarters. Continue to acclimatize and alleviate jet lag for the remainder of the day. Overnight stay in Lhasa.


Today, our guide and driver will accompany you to the airport or train station for your departure to your next destination. It’s time to bid farewell and say goodbye, as our memorable journey comes to an end.

Tour Services of Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu


  • All necessary Tibet travel permits.
  • Entrance ticket for all the attractions listed in the itinerary.
  • Entrance for your Vehicle and guide for the Everest Natural Reserve.
  • Private transportation in Tibet with experienced local Tibetan driver: Ranging from Business van to minibus depending on the group size.
  • English speaking Proffesional Tour guide (Local Tibetan).
  • Lodging in three star rating hotels: Hotel rooms are based on double occupancy ( with Breakfast).
  • Free shuttle Pick-up and send-off services at the beginning/end of the tour.
  • A mobile with local SIM card during the tour with your tour guide (it can receive international calls and text messages).
  • An Oxygen tank and First Aid box in Car (Size of Oxygen Tank base on group member).
  • Two water bottle each day/person.
  • Lodging and meals for guide and drivers.


  • Travel insurance which covers tour cancellation and emergency evacuation (highly recommended to buy from your home country).
  • Chinese Visa or Tibet Group Visa ( If coming from Nepal).
  • International and domestic flight/train tickets.
  • Lunches and Dinners averagely a meal in Tibet (Around USD5 per person).
  • Gratuities (Tips) for the guide and driver. ( Highly recommend to give at end of tour).

Tour Map

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Conclusion of Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu

the Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu tour takes you on a remarkable journey through breathtaking landscapes and introduces you to the rich nomadic culture of Tibet. From the grasslands dotted with nomadic villages to the serene beauty of Namtso Lake, each day of the tour offers unique experiences and unforgettable encounters.

As we traveled through the nomadic counties and villages, we were captivated by the vast pastures and the harmonious way of life of the nomads. The sight of their scattered tents amidst the tranquil nature left a lasting impression.

Our exploration continued as we drove along the well-paved roads, marveling at the picturesque nomadic villages and witnessing the Qinghai-Tibet train track winding through the region. The Holy Namtso Lake, with its turquoise hues set against snow-capped mountains, provided a truly awe-inspiring spectacle.

The tour also offered the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the nomadic culture by visiting a local family’s tent. Experiencing their traditional lifestyle and understanding their close connection to the land was a humbling and enriching experience.

Back in Lhasa, we embarked on an escorted tour, visiting renowned landmarks such as the Jokhang Temple, a place of devotion and pilgrimage for countless Tibetans. The bustling Bakhor street added a vibrant touch to our exploration, offering insights into the local market and the daily lives of the people.

Our journey culminated with visits to architectural marvels, including the iconic Potala Palace and the historic Drepung Monastery. These magnificent structures held profound spiritual significance and gave us a glimpse into Tibet’s rich heritage.

Throughout the tour, our knowledgeable guides provided valuable insights, ensuring our comfort and understanding of the region. Their expertise and professionalism enhanced our overall experience.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable adventure, we depart with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Tibet. The Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu tour offers an incredible opportunity to explore the wonders of this region, leaving travelers with a sense of awe and a desire to return

FAQs of Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu

What is the duration of the Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu tour?

The tour spans a total of 16 days, allowing ample time to explore the stunning landscapes and cultural highlights along the way.

What are the main attractions included in the itinerary?

The tour includes visits to Manigango nomads, Yilhun Lhatso lake, Trola pass, Dege Parkhang, Drichu (Yangzi) river, Mekong river, Riwoche Tsuglhakang monastery, Nyenchen Thangla range, Nakchu city, Qinghai-Tibet train track, Namtso Lake, Jokhang temple, Bakhor street, Sera monastery, Potala Palace, and Drepung monastery.

What can I expect to see during the tour?

You can expect to witness breathtaking landscapes, including vast pastures, snow-capped mountains, alpine forests, and picturesque lakes. You will also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in nomadic culture, interact with local families, and explore significant religious sites.

Are there any physical challenges during the tour?

While the tour involves some driving on well-paved roads, there are a few high-altitude passes and long journeys that may require endurance. It is recommended to acclimatize to the altitude and engage in mild physical activities during the first few days of the tour.

What is the accommodation like during the tour?

Accommodation varies throughout the tour and includes a mix of local guesthouses, hotels, and tented camps. These accommodations provide comfort and necessary amenities for a pleasant stay.

Is the tour suitable for all age groups?

The tour is suitable for most age groups, but participants should be in good health and able to handle long journeys and moderate physical activity. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before undertaking any travel to high-altitude regions.

Are permits and documents required for the tour?

Yes, as the tour involves traveling through Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR), permits and documents are required. Our guides will assist in arranging the necessary permits and ensure a smooth journey.

What is the best time of year to undertake this tour?

The best time to undertake this tour is during the summer months, from May to September when the weather is generally milder and more suitable for travel. However, it is advisable to check the specific weather conditions and plan accordingly.

Are meals included in the tour package?

Most meals are included in the tour package, providing an opportunity to savor local Tibetan cuisine. However, there may be some meals where you have the freedom to explore and sample local delicacies at your own expense.

How can I book the Sichuan-Tibet Northern Route Adventure Via Nakchu tour?

To book the tour, you can reach out to the designated tour operator or travel agency. They will provide detailed information on availability, pricing, and booking procedures.